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Crop Circles

For the best specialist website with regularly updated images (worldwide) and an impressive archive since 1995 go to: www.cropcircleconnector.com

With gathering intensity since the mid-1980s, an amazing phenomenon has been presented to the human race in the form of recognizable symbology primarily focused on the wheat fields of southwest England. Hundreds of formations have appeared and many consider them to be a major awakening trigger for humanity. As symbols trigger the subconscious, all we need to do is to absorb them and meditate on their meaning rather than endlessly argue about their provenance!

In more recent years the phenomenon has not been as intense as it once was in the Avebury/Stonehenge region (Wiltshire, UK) and now it seems more broadly based with appearances across other parts of England and in many European countries including Holland, Germany and Italy.

2013 formations as examples
Images © Francine Blake

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