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The 7 Planetary Chakras and the
12 Gates of the Planetary New Jerusalem
The activation of the 12 Gates of New Jerusalem is described in the book - 'The Aeon Shift ritual' - involving the movement of the Aquarian Cross from old Jerusalem to Glastonbury (UK) in 1990 and how this event contributed towards the ending of the old Piscean Age and the initiation of the new Aquarian dispensation. This highly significant journey of the new Cross - and other journeys subsequently around the globe - are shown to have had a profound effect in many troubled regions. Explanation of why nothing further of spiritual significance can ever occur in 'old' Jerusalem - other than to declare and operate it as a neutral and non-denominational 'City of Peace' shared equally by all the religions still projecting onto it emotionally. A fitting final tribute to the sanctity of this revered planetary powersite that has for too long been a human battleground.
How recent power site activations and grid re-alignments have brought about major social and political changes, e.g. South Africa, the fall of communist empires, German reunification, Ireland, Israel/Palestine, Bosnia and Peru etc.
© Robert Coon
www.earthchakras.org (Robert Coon)
www.rainbowserpent.co.uk (Tor Webster)