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The unworldly story of Wholistic World Vision's origin, purpose and activities is often seen as somewhat of a mystery by people drawn to its energy! We therefore recommend reading the information on this website to gain a basic understanding of our interdimensional partnership with Spirit, followed by a quick scan through this brief summary of the key events and dates in our still unfolding story. Some have called these activities "A History of the New Awareness Movement". Most people know nothing about them - indeed many were too subtle and delicate for any kind of publicity at the time - yet they are some among many of the very foundation stones of the "New Heaven and the New Earth" currently taking shape here right now as prophesied.
Further details in "Rising out of chaos" - up until 9/11 in 2001.1985. First spiritual awakening in Australia of founder, Simon Peter Fuller, after which, on impulse, he moves from London to Wiltshire, near Avebury.
1986. Simon Peter Fuller first connects with local medium Isabelle Kingston and her newly established group of "Earth healers and Guardians" focused on the Avebury Landscape temple. First Spirit guidance received about incoming Crop Circle phenomenon - focused mainly in this very region!
1987. Simon Peter Fuller attends "Harmonic Convergence" in Avebury & Glastonbury (16- 18 Aug) - first internationally organized critical mass mind-link with positive focus - set up exactly 25 years ahead of the 2012 Mayan Calendar termination.
1988 AUSTRALIA - Attended "Earth Link" activation at Ayers Rock, (global solar plexus chakra) - Initiated by Vincent Selleck. Start performing Agni Hotra ancient Vedic sunrise/set fires in Sydney.
FRANCE. First visit to Cathar country in SW region.
UK First meeting with Robert Coon, the American mystic with Elijah-guided Vision of the three-phase "Rainbow Serpent" planetary powersite and grid activations and key visionary for Harmonic Convergence
SOUTH AFRICAN tour with Shekum Foundation led by Tumi (Kuthumi Jon) raising awareness of his vision for a "Festival of Second Coming" at Glastonbury and activation of the Wessex "Aquarian Triangle" of ancient powersites (Stonehenge, Avebury, Rollright Stones etc).
NAMIBIA - visit at the time the natural Monument called "The Finger of God" collapses!1989. AUSTRALIA. Simon Peter Fuller's first tour spreading Tumi's message (above).
UK "Festival of Second Coming", Glastonbury. (Shekum Foundation + Robert Coon combined Visions) First meeting with the medium, Robert Armstrong, through whom Churchill - whom I knew as a child - and Gandhi in Spirit initiated the "WHOLISTIC WORLD VISION". Summer Solstice "guided" activation of Silbury Hill and accurate prediction of fall of Berlin Wall and the USSR superstate and satellites soon thereafter! (Sirius group).
SOUTH AFRICA. 13th November - attend/focus Table Mt, Cape Town activation (3rd Saturn/Neptune conjunction - Coon vision). Event hits National headlines!
UK First Spirit guidance about "Aeon Shift ritual" - the creation of the AQUARIAN CROSS inside the walls of "old" Jerusalem and raising it on Glastonbury Tor - "New" Jerusalem earthly anchorpoint.
AUSTRALIAN tour raising awareness of Aeon Shift ritual work in 1990.
First few chapters of REVELATIONS 111 - 3rd BOOK OF THE APOCALYPSE - the missing/lost Revelations text prophecy of the "Second Coming of Christ consciousness" are received - through miraculous DIRECT TRANSMISSION - onto computer screen WITHOUT HUMAN AGENCY!
1990 UK. Remainder of the eight Revelation 111 chapters arrived in the same way - book now complete. Text - with channelled guidance notes - published in "Rising out of chaos" (1994) and placed free of charge (1995) on the Wholistic World Vision website.
THE AEON SHIFT RITUAL: ISRAEL & EGYPT: To Mt Sinai (over Passover), Gizeh Pyramids and then to the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem (over Easter) to collect the newly made Aquarian Cross.
There followed immediate and Intense travel within Europe to some 20 cities, including profound interaction with Spear of Destiny in Vienna and witnessing the first day of the demolition of Berlin Wall. GERMAN REUNIFICATION, 3rd October. Aquarian Cross on the Externsteine powersite at exact time of re-unification - followed by first visit to "Mother Meera" near Frankfurt - incarnation of Divine Mother.
UK. Aquarian Cross shown on National TV news at Chalice Well, Glastonbury - through extraordinary synchronicity (and indirectly involving Prince Charles).PART 11 - JOURNEYS OF THE AQUARIAN CROSS AND POWERSITE ACTIVATIONS WORLDWIDE.
1991. Tour of KENYA, ZIMBABWE, SOUTH AFRICA, AUSTRALIA and THAILAND. Connect with site of Gandhi's original printing Press near Durban - this illegal Kangaroo court transforms into a national Heritage site soon afterwards!
UK. Castlerigg - Callanish - Lindisfarne - St Michael's Mount - Tintagel - Jersey.
MALTA and Gozo - work main Goddess Temple powersites.
USA, Hawaii, NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA. Energy work on Haleakala Crater Maui on 12/12 (planetary Fire Spinner wheel) and collapse of peak of Mount Cook, New Zealand (planetary Water Spinner Wheel) early on 14/12, coinciding exactly with first arrival of Aquarian Cross in NZ!
1992. FRANCE. Writing my book "Rising out of chaos'" in Languedoc region.
UK. 26th July. "Time Shift" . Global mass mindlink - 20 years from end of Mayan Calendar. Address the Festival at Stratford-on-avon.1993 USA. July. Join Lakota Indian "6th Annual Brotherhood Days Gathering" in South Dakota. Visit Black Hills (soon after 1st White Buffalo calf was born!), Devil's Tower, Wounded Knee, Mesa Verde, Four Corners. Hopi land. Invited to attend Kachina dances, Hotevilla and bring Cross for blessing of Grandfather Titus. White man bringing "Balanced Cross" back to the Hopi is a fulfilment of their prophecies.
IRELAND. September Equinox - Cross to Ireland with focus on Tara. IRA ceasefire one year later.
MALTA. October - More work at Malta Goddess Temples during 3rd Uranus/ Neptune conjunction.
MOROCCO. November - Marrakesh and Essaouira.1994 "Rising out of chaos" first published. Good Friday broke leg on Glastonbury Tor while preparing for SA tour (Hurricane force winds hit UK!)
SOUTH AFRICA BOOK LAUNCH. Travelled to Cape Town, S Africa in plaster! 3 hour ceremony at Mafeking with Credo Mutwa, Zulu Spiritual leader, invoking peaceful election results in SA. Next day Zulus finally agree to join in the voting process and thereby a massive bloodbath is averted. MIRACLE! Sell my home in Wiltshire to reduce possessions and be ready for more action!
GREECE Cross and Revelations 111 text taken to St John's cave on Patmos.
ITALY. Work on Vatican, Rome - Chalice Well water and programmed crystals planted throughout.1995 USA, NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA lecture tour.
JAPAN. August. On Mountt Fuji, Japan for global mass mindlink on this planetary chakra point. Also attended the 50th Hiroshima memorial day. USA, Canada, NZ and Australia - 6 month lecture tour.1996 BOSNIA - May. Join "Through Heart to Peace'" mission in Bosnia linking women from abroad with women in the battle zones - diplomatic incident as our group ambushed while testing validity of the new "Dayton Accord"!
RUSSIA. June. Work on Robert Coon's 13th planetary Gateway at Zagorsk, near Moscow. Also visit St Petersburg.
PERU. September. Speak at "Prophecies of the Andes" conference in Peru - visit Nasca Lines, ICA (mesozoic - 350 million years old) stone tablet engravings of humanoid race, Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicacca and Bolivia.
CURACAO - lecture and energy work on return.1997 USA, NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA, ZIMBABWE and S AFRICA (tour Alexandria Township schools)
GERMANY lecture tour - "Rising out of chaos" now published in German in beautiful hardback edition with pics!.1998 CURACAO - Attend total Solar Eclipse 26th February
USA - March. "Essene Retreat" at Sedona, Arizona.1999 USA and AUSTRALIA - lecture tour
RUSSIA. April - Moscow to meet V Megre, author of the now best-selling "Anastasia" novels. Energy work on the "Dolmens of the Caucasus" behind the northern Black sea coast. June. Mid-summer solstice focus at the Arctic Circle meeting point of Sweden, Norway and Finland working with the indigenous Sami people.2000 AUSTRALIA. March - Sep. The "Infinity Journey" right across Australia - initiated by Aboriginal communication to Wholistic World Vision in 1999 at the "Avalon", Geelong Retreat. To be a reconciliation of land and people by many travelling groups working on the Australian Earth energies in preparation for the Sydney 2000 Olympic games.
SWEDEN - April. Stockholm and Gotland island lecture/energy tour
AUSTRALIA. June - participate in Infinity Journey - Perth to Darwin section overland - meet the Olympic flame coming in opposite direction! TURKEY. October - Anatolia powersite pilgrimage work and addressed the first International Symposium of the "Knowledge Book" group in Istanbul.2001 GERMANY. April & Nov - Book promotion tours (German edition) - Berlin, Bonn, Hamburg, and Lebensgarten Eco village.
ISRAEL. November. Co-hosted Michael Lightweaver's "Light Summit" in Jerusalem. combined with a 3 day Retreat at Qumran (meditate in Essene scroll caves).2002 INDIA - Udaipur with NGOs, Pune and first Sri Lanka reconnection since 1982. April - Lake Constance, Germany lecture tour.
SRI LANKA. May. Meet founder of Sarvodaya NGO, Dr Ariyaratne and address Kandy Rotary Club on Crop Circles. 19th November (eclipse full moon) Meditate INSIDE empty chamber of the Chalice Well, Glastonbury.2003 INDIA - first visit to Tapovan. Centre for ancient Vedic sunrise/set Holy Fires called "Agni Hotra".
SRI LANKA - Wholistic World Vision operates 1st powersite tour of the island and on raising the Cross on Adam's Peak at sunrise, the Sri Pada Angel cloud formation appears in the blue sky above! Robert Coon indicates that activation of the triangle of powersites on the subcontinent of Adams Peak, Mount Arunachala and the mouth of the Narmada river will assist in the November 2008 transformation of this whole region. Wholistic World Vision then operates Earth Healing/Activation tours to all 3 sites annually until 2008.
IRELAND. July. Retreat in Boyne Valley, also visit the Kildare sacred Flame and Glendalough.
SPAIN. September. Tour of Barcelona/Montserrat, Basque ancient art sites. Madrid and Andalucia including Alhambra gardens.
Angel cloud, Adam's Peak, Sri Lanka2004 INDIA and SRI LANKA tours as above. Additonally, visit Jaffna (SL) disguised as priest to reach this northern city cut off by Tamil Tiger terrorists. View Buddha's Tooth at special Kandy National Gathering among 2 million devotees! Start of a personal shift in consciousness towards Non- Duality philosophy and the ancient Eastern "Advaita" teachings.
UK. September. Lake District powersite tour.
CANADA - October. Visit/Connect with Hatzic Rock near Vancouver and Crop Circle nearby!
SRI LANKA - TSUNAMI STRIKES. Wholistic World Vision collects funds globally from network and gets money fast to the Sarvodaya NGO - our donations some of the first to reach affected people.2005 INDIA and SRI LANKA visits/tours. Reach Gulf of Camphay (mouth of Narmada river) for special Fire rituals. 1st visit to World heritage site Temple caves at Ellora and Ajanta. Tour SL Tsunami damage and fund raise.
WALES. June - Tour to Druidic Chakra powersites.
SCOTLAND. tour to Whithorn, Glen Lyon, Schiehallion, Rosslyn & Lindisfarne. (Energy work near Gleneagles G8 summit ahead of the "false flag" 7/7 London bombs.)
SOUTH AFRICA. Attend (failed) "Earth Festival" in Cape Town - work on Table Mount. Talks at Hogsback in Drakensberg Mts, Port Elizabeth and Grahamstown.
GERMANY - November. Monchengladback weekend Retreat.
CANADA - Vancouver region.2006 INDIA and SRI LANKA - powersite tours
AUSTRALIA. April. Perth Talks and 2 weekend Retreats.
UK. Anglesey tour of the island's many special powersites.
FRANCE September. Cathar tour
SWEDEN - lecture tour and retreat
CANADA - Vancouver region.2007 SRI LANKA. Prepare "Beyond Religions' conference for 2008 in SL. Meet the chief of the ancient Wedda people - original inhabitants of SL.
UK May. Peak District powersite tour.
FRANCE. September. Cathar tour
SWEDEN. Oct/Nov. Lecture tour, Retreat and Stockholm "New Age" Fair
EGYPT. 10th anniversary of the Hatshepsut Temple massacre - powersite tour to Luxor and Nile Temples. Celebrate my 60th birthday on the Nile!
INDIA. Dec. "Somayajna" special and rare 5 day Vedic Fire ceremony specially called for Earth healing. Several hundred International Agni Hotris gather on the Narmada river at Maheshwar over Full moon. Culminating in water immersion, after which Simon Peter Fuller licked top to bottom (blessed?) by a herd of cows for some 15 minutes!!2008 INDIA. January. Culmination of Robert Coon's vision of activating the 3 sites mentioned. All 3 visited for final activation with tour groups. January. Tour to Mount Arunachala near Madras - site of Sri Ramana Maharshi's Advaita (non-duality) lifelong teachings. Visit Pondicherry and Auroville.
SRI LANKA. Powersite tour of island and ascent of Adam's Peak. "Beyond religions" conference postponed due to island tensions.
UK. May. "Healing the Red and White Roses" tour (Yorks/ Lancs border powersites)
UK. August, Wholistic World Vision weekend Gathering at Sedgwick Park, Sussex.
More powersite tours in UK & Cathar (SW) France.
2009 Death of Shri Vasant - leader of the Agni Hotra (Vedic Fire) movement. Attend cremation and scattering of ashes at the mouth of the Narmada river, India. Followed by further visits to Arunachala and Sri Lanka. Culmination of 6 years work activating the triangle formed by Mt SRI PADA (Sri Lanka), Mt ARUNACHALA (Madras) and the NARMADA river running across central India - inspired by Robert Coon's "Rainbow Serpent" vision. This conforms with the new Vedic astrological cycle starting in Nov 2008 - end of the long Civil war in Sri Lanka and many shifts in India politically, culturally and commercially. According to Coon's vision, the focus in this region now shifts to Mt DEMAVEND (behind Tehran) in Iran, where the next cycle will witness religious (islam) and political transformation emerging from this ancient Persian culture.
UK, May, YORK ZODIAC powersite tour in England completing (at Whitby Abbey - crown) the activation of an ancient Druid chakra line running through Yorkshire and Wales from the Scilly isles - base (the inspiration of psychic artist Megan Wingfield).
Further strengthening of the Wholistic World Vision connection with SWEDEN through tour participation + lecture and promo visits there - perhaps in part the fulfillment of ancient Scandinavian prophesy for these times that "the light comes from the North" with the release currently of much knowledge and spiritual awakening there. In such a small population, a critical mass shift in consciousness is easier to achieve!
Further Cathar site activations in SW France involving Dutch and Swedish groups.
Some increase of Wholistic World Vision talks and workshops within UK and launch of 3 DVD interviews with SPF for Broadband TV (see website)2010 This was a year mainly dedicated to Earth energy grid and powersite work with tour groups in India (Agni Hotra Fires) and Sri Lanka (healing sessions for deprived Tamil children released from refugee camp by Wholistic World Vision donations). New tour locations were Malta's Goddess Temple sites, the islands of the Baltic and Peru for the 10.10.10 Gateway global linkup. With another prolific season, we promoted Crop Circle awareness through tours and open days. Wholistic World Vision, Sweden continued to be our mainstay with great support for what we offer - at all levels.
2011 - 21st April was Wholistic World Vision's 21st birthday - the anniversary of the raising of the Aquarian Cross on Glastonbury Tor during the "Aeon Shift ritual" in 1990. Spirit requested the work to be done then and accurately predicted the horror and chaos coming to that Zionist-controlled, once "holy" land. This was a momentous energy transfer that was barely understood or appreciated at the time - or indeed probably still for long to come!! The "coming of Age" of the Aquarian Cross and Wholistic World Vision means that from now onwards my own work is less "hands on". We have successfully launched the mission all over the world and the energy it represents must now find its own way. The Wholistic World Vision base moved from UK to Asia, where practical and sustainable community living now becomes the main focus. Other highlights of the year were tours to Mt Arunachala and Sri Lanka followed by energy work on the Isle of Wight (UK) and the 4th and culminating visit of previous tours to the three Maltese islands (coinciding with the successful referendum to defy the Pope and legalize divorce!). After our usual powersites tours in UK and Cathar France, Wholistic World Vision gave a weekend seminar at Wendish Even near Luneberg, Germany on the site where the 2nd World war peace treaty was signed - energy work also initiated on the nearby focal German nuclear storage site. Wholistic World Vision's oldest and staunchest UK supporter Marjorie Hawes passes on aged 100 years! Ashes by request scattered on Cissbury Hill Fort, Sussex
2012 - A year to focus on inner peace while establishing the new Wholistic World Vision's base in Asia and to recover after health issues from overwork on leaving UK - using natural medicines! The year of the "Mayan Prophecy" saw a Wholistic World Vision group touring the "Temples of Cambodia" with a special meditation and Agni Hotra fire ceremony at the great Angkor Wat Temple for 12/12/12. This was followed by a group meditation in Sri Lanka to tune into the eagerly awaited December 21st date marking the end of the Mayan's current calendar and the start of a new cycle.
2013 - Another quiet year for personal recuperation, rest and enjoyment of life lived ever more in "presence" in the warmth and beauty of the tropics! Wholistic World Vision again distributed charitable contributions among deserving causes locally and our Rainbow Tours operation expanded with many "excellent" reviews on TripAdvisor and very satisfied customers. A small international group gathered for our annual spiritual round island tour of Sri Lanka and we visited and worked with power sites just after the very confusing energies of the controversial CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government) meeting in Colombo in November. The tour was especially remembered for the appearance of so many rare animal species in the safari parks and the spectacular whales/dolphins/turtles displays at sea that made it such a very special experience for us all! A time to reflect on the many accurate prophecies Wholistic World Vision made worldwide for these "End Times" as part of its intense awareness raising activities since 1990 (see above).
2014 - The first return to UK and Europe since leaving permanently in late 2011. The chief motivation was running 3 fully booked powersite tours during May and June including a Wholistic World Vision UK group along the Michael and Mary leylines from Royston Cave in middle England right out to the North Sea coast at Hopton visiting many enchanting backwaters and byways in East Anglia - especially some ancient and largely forgotten (powerful!) country churches.
Later in June, a group of Scandinavian Rosicrucians came on a tour with Wholistic World Vision from Avebury down to Land's End completing the other half of the Michael and Mary leylines as they cross southern England. (For more information on these global "Rainbow Serpent" lines see: "The Sun and the Serpent" by Miller and Broadhurst and the geomantic work of the American mystic Robert Coon).
In late May we were guided to follow the Apollo and Athena leylines crossing much of Greece including Athens (Parthenon), Delphi and Meteora (see "The Dance of the Dragon" by Miller/Broadhurst). The Portals of Greece tour culminated in the blissful energies of the Revelations island of Patmos (voted one of the 10 best places in the world to live!) where we all relaxed and swam in transformative, azure waters. Our motive was to help energise the subtle power grid in Greece to support the dramatic social/political transformation currently ongoing as the release of potent earth energies (through many fault lines) perhaps once more herald another Greek-led global renaissance? Many thought this was the best Wholistic World Vision tour ever and certainly the 30 participants enjoyed an unusual level of group harmony throughout. The rest of the UK visit was filled with happy reunions among Wholistic World Vision friends and supporters - all in most beautiful weather, as though Mother Nature displayed her finest in stark contrast to the dismal mid-winter departure clouded by my sudden ill-health in late 2011.
2015 - This was a remarkable year for Sri Lanka when a silent and peaceful majority of the ethnically diverse population resoundingly ousted a longstanding regime based on corruption and nepotism replacing it with a National Government working for "Good Governance" . The Presidential election in January was confirmed by the National election in August and few countries in the world can boast such an achievement! Perhaps Wholistic World Vision's Aquarian Cross energy established here since 2011 plays some transformational role on this Paradise Isle. Meantime, our Rainbow Tours operation received the "2015 Excellency 5 star award" from TripAdvisor and our charitable work supported ever more good causes among the poor and destitute in India and Sri Lanka. See Wholistic World Vision's Charitable Projects for update. TURKEY: At the turn of the millennium in the year 2,000 Wholistic World Vision was invited to address the first International Peace Symposium of the Mevlana "Knowledge Book" foundation in Istanbul. Fifteen years later, on 1st November 2015, Wholistic World Vision was invited back to give a keynote presentation entitled "SUGGESTIONS AND MESSAGES TO BE GIVEN TO HUMANITY ON THE PATH OF UNIFICATION AND PEACE IN A GLOBALISING WORLD". An audience of 2,000 delegates from 35 countries responded enthusiastically! The full speech can be viewed here.
2016 - Despite the revolutionary rejection of the liberal "progressive" left in both UK and USA - and its huge implications as the rage of the people manifests in public - this was a quieter year focussing instead on expeditions to some very inaccessible, but pristine, island powersites. We were invited back to address the annual Istanbul Peace Conference (1st November 2016), but notice was too short this time. Another International Gathering is planned in this "planetary hot spot!" for Summer Solstice 2017 - details to be advised.
2017 - A quiet year for inner reflection in an increasingly chaotic world and with time available at last to achieve some personal goals: starting spiritual yoga instruction, growing vegetables and dog ownership! Wholistic World Vision continued with its programme of charitable support in India and Sri Lanka and our Rainbow Tours operation (Sri Lanka) is now amongst the best reviewed on the island!
2018 - Another quiet year for Wholistic World Vision, though active as usual in networking to our global email lists the many and challenging world changes that we ave been predicting/teaching for over 25 years. Certainly this is time when "All Truth shall be known", as the darkest corners of the human experience are exposed by the powerful incoming cosmic light. Perhaps negative and often fearful material, but highly positive that it's all now being revealed at last! The journey now for us all is ever deeper within, which is no doubt why steadily more of our guests come to this island to join the 10 day Vippasana Silent Retreats for which the fine frequencies of the Kandy Hills are internationally recognised.
2019 - 2022 - The start of the long predicted "End Times era of plagues, wars and rumours of wars" about which Wholistic World Vision has warned worldwide since1990! As physical travel is now increasingly restricted, Wholistic World Vision has inevitably become more static and has for now realigned its mission to offer well researched, leading edge information, keeping our worldwide contacts up to speed with the unprecedented and rapidly unfolding events now manifesting. This is a leading edge information exchange for mass AWAKENING, relying on pro-active list members to widely network and distribute information with which they resonate. Join this free service, if you feel you can make a contribution (this is not passive free "entertainment"!) see email list. We also continue with our charitable programme in the fast deteriorating 3rd World now threatened with mass starvation. (refer to our Charity page)
These are just some of the extraordinary events in the development of the Wholistic World Vision since 1990. More details will be added as our reality transforms at every level!